Family Protection

Scripture Reading - Genesis 17:7-9 KJV

7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.
8 And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.
9 And God said unto Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore, thou, and thy seed after thee in their generations.

The first lesson on exercising your God given authority we mentioned “Personal Protection” because it is unreasonable to think that you would believe God to protect your “household” if you don’t even believe God to protect you. After that we spoke about “Household Protection” in the since of God watching over those you live with whether family members or not. There is always something influential about having direct access to those under your same roof. This especially works well for those who are all saved in the house because since iron sharpens iron each household member has an opportunity to give warning, advice, instruction and/or direction to another household member in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, we did bring up in the previous lesson the fact that there are a few differences between family members and household members. So we (ihlcc) will expound a little on that idea. First, when we mentioned family members in this context we are specifically speaking about those children who are born unto you through blood, and the mother and father of those children being reckoned as one family unit. Yes, step-children could be considered family too because as long as one parent has naturally taken part of the conception of the child they are legally and physically considered a family member. This is why we decree that there is a difference because you could have family members that don’t live with you but none-the-less they are still a part of your family. Thus, for any member of your family you have some measure of authority to pray for the well-being of their soul. Yes, not only that they shall be saved spiritually (the word shall is a stronger assertion than the word will) but also they shall be protected by God while upon this earth. Yes, blood family members have an added authority because as the verse today states God is going to at least do two separate things. First God said, not just ihlcc, “I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your children after you” which means that God will (or shall) save you and your family to enforce all the blessing of God upon them and you while on this earth. That in itself is a wonderful blessing and promise of God but the Gracious Loving Father God continues with an even greater promise. This greater promise focuses His Affection upon you keeping God’s covenant (His Word) to solidify the blessing of God upon your children and even future children to come. The key is if you obey God by keeping His covenant (obeying God’s Word for your life) then The Good Lord Jesus and Father God will look out for your children simply because He (The Lord) honors those who honor Him. This means you need to concentrate more about how you are personally doing on obeying God’s Will than you need to worry about how well your children are following God’s Will for their own life. Many Christians have this principle about “Family Protection” all wrong. Some Believers think that I need to protection my own children from all the evils in life when actually all they need to do is focus their thoughts upon the Lord and He shall direct their paths. Yes, when we listen to God He personally speaks to us about what we should do concerning His Children from Heaven who are listed as our children down here in this earth. Yes, we must live right before all mankind not just our children because children will always learn more by example than by mere words (with no corresponding action) alone. Yes, we must live right, think right and speak right in-line with God’s Will (His Word) to even know how to love our family, which is God’s family too. So “Family Protection” starts with the confident knowing that your natural family is God’s spiritual family first and foremost so start your thinking of how to handle them (your spouse and children) right there. The true Believer must realize that “God’s Protection” is ultimate and immeasurable. The Lord Jesus isn’t just an alarm system the Holy Ghost does that by the inner witness, He is and forever shall be the armed forces of our victory that defeat all those who wish to hurt us when we call upon His Name. Yes, no weapon formed against us shall prosper over us specifically (directly, precisely) because the Name of the Lord is a strong tower that the righteous run into and are safe. However, how-ever good that may sound it is only an unused promise if we don’t exercise our God given authority in the Name of Jesus. We are making a bold statement to walk by faith and not by fear. We must be adamant to speak divine protection over our family (no matter where they are, in our house or away from our house) at all times. We must believe that God is not only able to protect them but that He does protect all family members by His Grace and Goodness. We know that walking in God’s Perfect Will for your life sets a solid foundation to build upon and if we follow God’s direction/instruction (His Word) unto the end to that same exact measure He Will protect our family members unto the end also. For whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap. Yes, “Family Protection” is God’s Will that must be enforced while we are on this earth. Yes even when we go unto Heaven and our family members are still here on this earth the covenant agreement between us and God is still in effect until the Lord Jesus returns to earth to gather all His Children at the end of this age. So praise God dear Saint of God that you are in the “Family of God” along with your family and this complete family of God has “Family Protection” in Jesus Christ our strong and mighty Lord and Savior (Protector). Amen!